Don’t take my picture!

April 26, 2018

As a portrait photographer – especially one who does headshots and yearbook photos – I hear “I hate pictures” most of the time. Getting your photo taken at the family backyard barbecue is vastly different from donning your dress clothing and posing in front of lights, camera, “cheese!”

Here’s the key to enjoying getting your headshot taken: The photographer.

First, many photographers, no matter the amount of likes on their social media posts, have no idea how to pose or light a subject. This is one of the reasons many local photographers insist on using natural light – it’s the only tool in their toolbox. And most of the time, their clients are lukewarm about the photo results because the photos are average or even unflattering.

Second, once you have had repeated bad photo experiences, you think YOU are unphotogenic or… unattractive. No, no, no. It’s not you. I once hated having my photo taken – and I have traced my distaste to my school photos. Taken in seconds by an overworked, underpaid photographer who recited “next, next, next” as he forced each child to sit in a certain position with a cemented expression and snapped away. If this is your photo-memory, of course you are reluctant!

Or…like me, you have that camera-happy family member who takes candids of you at the family barbecues when you are slurping food or bending over or making a face…not your best moments. You spend those get-togethers hiding from Uncle Martin and his damn camera! A family member at a wedding thought it would be funny to photograph me with my skirt raised…and she thought it even more amusing to share the photo with the world. Not funny. I do understand your hesitation.

But we are not talking about those manufactured or unplanned, unguarded photos. We are talking about showing you. Revealing your unique beauty, pose, power. As an artist, I see every person as strikingly beautiful. Breathtaking. So, I am using that eye.

I know how to pose and light you to maximize your favorite attributes – and minimize what makes you self-conscious.

And…here’s the kicker…we will have fun! Yes, it’s true. Fun.