Mine, Mine, Mine…

June 17, 2021

But I’m really not a wealthy miser. I’m an astute entrepreneur and artist.

People have no idea the photographer owns all rights to the images he or she captures.

But it’s a picture of me!!!

Yeah…I know. But it’s my creation.

I could go into a whole explanation of copyright law…and may in a future post when I’m not hungry and wanting my dinner. But for now:

Unless I provide images of your artwork (for which you have the copyright), or you purchase the copyright from me (often, for commercial clients), I own the entire bundle of rights to the image. I license you to use the image for personal reasons. 

The fact is (and maybe don’t mention this to your friend), anyone can boast photography skills. My favorite: “I took a photography class in college.” Their grandma tells them they are talented and boom, you have a photographer charging for services. Yeah…I don’t think that compares, remotely, to the years of classes, study and daily practice I have invested in my craft. In fact, 90% of those photographers disappear after a year or two. 

Why? Because that $75 package for their hour of photography is actually 10 hours of time for planning, performing, producing the images… And they realize they don’t like that. I thrive because I realized copyright protection, contracts and reasonable fees are the only way I can maintain my business, enhance my equipment, and continue my professional development – to provide superior images that meet my client’s vision. If you are looking for a commodity photographer, I’m not right for your project. If you want art, invest in me as I have invested in you.