Let’s Go, Branding

April 3, 2022


The big project for 2022.

Branding my photography business.

Took me about a week to settle on what best represents my brand. The subjects. The people. The style.

Edgy. Surreal at times. But honest, candid. Even in a fantastical way, my images reveal truth. And the brand captures who I am.

I’m not interested in the conventional. The common. The popular. I’m the bitch who takes over the music at the bar, STOPS your dedication to pop music (you really should get out more), and blasts Soundgarden or Tool or Disturbed, or Van Morrison. (You got somethin’ to say ’bout Van Morrison??? I thought not.)

Find another bar for your fru-fru cocktail and giggly nonsense.

Yeah, that’s me. I have lots of other stories. But the basics: I don’t like The Rules. And I sure don’t like the theetie portrait photography that’s become so popular. So cute. The whole family lined up in matchy-matchy outfits. Do you think because you are outside and the $100 a session chick blurred the background, you have the perfect family memory?

Is that really who you are? Does that moment capture The Moment?


So…the branding. New logo. New colors. New typography. New headshots. New merch, including Stories and Dating Profiles. New packages and pricing. I updated my story and am getting down and dirty this year.

With a whole new attitude. I’m going to run with scissors. Try new things. Get experimental.

Come with.